西北大学 文化遗产学院,陕西 西安 710127
[ "温睿,男,西北大学文化遗产学院教授。本硕就读于中国科学技术大学,博士毕业于牛津大学,现任丝绸之路科技考古与文化遗产保护国家“111引智基地”主任,西北大学科技考古学研究中心主任,文化遗产研究与保护技术教育部重点实验室副主任,入选国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才、陕西省“百人计划”、国家文物局文物保护科技优秀青年,荣获第十八届陕西省青年五四奖章。主要从事古代有机残留物、古代硅酸盐文物的科技分析。近五年主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金重大项目子课题、国家文物局优青课题等科研项目10余项,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文60余篇。研究成果获得陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖、三等奖各1项(均为第一完成人),陕西省高等学校人文社会科学优秀成果奖一、二、三等奖各1项(均为第一完成人)。主要学术贡献包括:对酒类相关物质遗存进行科技分析与保护研究,首次将红外光谱采集结合Fisher判别分析应用于酒类残留物的研究,为考古出土疑似酒残留物的识别和归类奠定了基础;对三星堆遗址祭祀坑内有机残留物的非靶向及靶向分析,深入揭示了其中蕴含的考古信息,为复杂埋藏条件下考古有机残留物的分析鉴定提供依据。" ]
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温睿, 祁学楷. 从宏观到微观:土壤及沉积物的考古学研究进展[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(6):926-942.
WEN Rui, QI Xuekai. From macro to micro: Advances in archaeological research on soil and sediment[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(6):926-942.
温睿, 祁学楷. 从宏观到微观:土壤及沉积物的考古学研究进展[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(6):926-942. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-06-005.
WEN Rui, QI Xuekai. From macro to micro: Advances in archaeological research on soil and sediment[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(6):926-942. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-06-005.
Soils and various sediments are the most common materials in archaeological excavations. They are not only the matrix for various archaeological remains, but also objects of archaeological research themselves, containing abundant archaeological information. With the rapid development of archaeological research methods and detection techniques, the scope of archaeological research continues to expand from the macro level to the micro level at the molecular scale. Archaeological research on soils and sediments has also become increasingly refined. However, current archaeological soil research still remains at the macro level, while micro-level research is still in its infancy. To achieve the leap from macro to micro, this study systematically reviews four aspects of microscopic archaeological soil research: soil geochemistry, soil micromorphology, sediment ancient DNA and organic residue analysis. The study shows that: ①soil geochemistry uses elemental anomaly distributions to infer human activities, and has been applied to site surveying and functional area delineation; ②soil micromorphology reveals the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on soils, and can be used for environmental archaeology research; ③sediment ancient DNA enables identification of ancient biological species, which has been widely applied to ancient environmental research; ④organic residueanalysis can detect remnants of ancient diet, rituals and other activities, providing evidence for reconstructing ancient production and living. In summary, the four parts above mentioned play important roles in microscopic archaeological soil research, but have not yet formed a system. This study suggests that archaeological soil microscopic research should strengthen multiproxy comprehensive research, explore unified soil preservation methods, so as to promote the transition of archaeological soil research from macro to micro, for excavating more abundant archaeological information.
archaeological soilgeochemical analysissoil micromorphologysediment ancient DNAorganic residue analysis
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