西北大学 地质学系/大陆动力学国家重点实验室 陕西省早期生命与环境重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069
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张志飞, 刘璠, 梁悦, 等. 寒武纪生命大爆发与地球生态系统起源演化[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 51(6):1065-1106. DOI:10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2021-06-012
Zhifei ZHANG, Fan LIU, Yue LIANG, et al. The Cambrian Explosion of animals and the evolution of ecosystems on Earth[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2021, 51(6):1065-1106. DOI:10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2021-06-012
图1 地质年代、大陆演化与重要地质阶段划分,以及本文提出的地球生态系统三大演化阶段,主要讨论了地史生物群落演替、生态环境和生态界面与生态类型及构成的不同演化阶段
图2 由生物因素和非生物因素构成的生态系统和物质循环
Fig.2 The composition and material cycles of an ecosystem consisting of inorganic and organic factors
图3 地球生物三分和五分系统分类方案
Fig.3 The taxonomic classification of organisms on Earth into three or five kingdoms
图4 前寒武纪雨痕和叠层石及其块状礁体
Fig.4 Field photos of raindrops and stromatolites from the Precambrian of South Africa and China
图5 基于形态特征建立的传统动物界系统分类方案,如对称性和内部体腔的有无等特征
Fig.5 Traditional animal phylogeny based on morphological characters, such as symmetry and presence/absence of internal body cavities etc
图6 基于分子生物学的现代动物系统分类框架,图示寒武纪大爆发导致基础动物、原口动物和后口动物三大亚界依次成型。基础动物毫无疑问可以追溯到埃迪卡拉纪晚期,在寒武纪纽芬兰世幸运期其骨骼类祖先大量辐射;冠轮类原口动物大量出现在寒武纪幸运期,而蜕皮类原口动物和后口动物化石记录出现较晚,主要发现于寒武系第三阶
Fig.6 Modern animal phylogenetic framework based on molecular data, and the schematic pattern of Cambrian explosion of metazoans, with explosive radiation of basal metazoans, protostomes and deuterostomes in successions. The basal metazoans (1) can be traced no doubt back to the late Ediacaran with their explosive radiation of their skeletonized ancestors in the earliest Cambrian (Terreneuvian, Fortunian Stage); the mass appearances of lophotrochozoans (2) in Fortunian were essentially earlier than the occurrence of most ecdysozoans protostomes and deuterostomes (3) in Cambrian Stage 3
图7 图示本文提出的地球三大演化生态系统:原始进化生态系统、初级进化生态系统和现代进化生态系统
Fig.7 The proposed three-divisions of Earth's ecosystem into Preliminary, Primary and Modern Evolutionary Ecosystems (PREE, PEE and MEE) as illustrated
图8 海洋动物生活方式、营养结构和生态位(修改自文献[298])
Fig.8 Diversified lifestyles, trophic structures and living niches of marine animals
图9 寒武纪大爆发重要生态创新和生态系统工程、生态多样性变化和复杂化过程
Fig.9 Marine ecological engineering and community complexities and successions during the Cambrian explosion of metazoans
The diversity and configuration of stromatolites from Archean and Proterozoic[
图11 寒武纪大爆发模式及假说
Fig.11 The radiation pattern and hypotheses on Cambrian explosion of metazoans (Phyla)
图12 早古生代生态多样性演变模式和地球初级进化生态系统的建立
Fig. 12 Marine animal ecological diversification during the Early Paleozoic and the establishment of the Primary Evolutionary Ecosystem (PEE) on Earth
图13 早古生代海洋不同动物门类属种首现及多样性变化模式
Fig.13 The generic diversities and evolutionary patterns of different animal phyla during the Early Paleozoic
图14 寒武纪底质革命和后生动物主导的海底环境演变 (引自文献[84])
Fig.14 The Cambrian Substrate Revolution hypothesis and sedimentary fabric evolution from a combination of physical and microbial processes to a combination of physical and metazoan processes (modified from [84])
图15 澳大利亚埃迪卡拉动物群野外考察和博物馆参考照片
Fig.15 Field excursion and museum-visiting photos of Ediacaran fossils from South Australia
图16 埃迪卡拉生物垂直群落分层
Fig.16 Tiering community dioramas for the Ediacaran Biota
图17 寒武纪早期的小壳化石多样性和相对大小
Fig.17 The varieties and diversities of Small Skeletal Fossils from China and their relative size on the same scale
图19 寒武纪大爆发期间腕足动物生活方式和垂直群落结构,图示腕足动物成为寒武纪大爆发期间生态分层最为成功的后生动物,包括初级分层、次级分层和中高级分层
Fig.19 The lifestyles and tiering complexity of early Cambrian brachiopods as exemplified from the Chengjiang Fauna (Stage 3), with the note that brachiopods were the first benthic metazoans that achieved their success in ecological stratification and tiering complexity by Cambrian Stage 3, encompassing primary and secondary, and medium-high height of tiers
图18 寒武纪大爆发期间壳体动物和蠕形动物之间存在的群体附生关系
Fig.18 The host-specific symbiotic relationships of early Cambrian shelly and vermiform animals
图20 寒武纪与早古生代腕足动物生活方式和生态分布对比图(引自文献[229])
Fig.20 Comparative studies of the lifestyles and ecospaces utilized by Cambrian and Ordovician brachiopods (from [229])
图21 寒武纪第四期关山动物群腕足动物壳体上保存的修复型捕食记录
Fig.21 Repaired durophagous shell damages preserved in brachiopods recovered from the Guanshan Biota (Cambrian Stage 4), eastern Yunnan, Southwest China
图22 我国寒武纪早期的古杯礁体和单体化石。古杯通常认为是地球生态系统工程建设中最早的造礁后生动物类群,但在我国的寒武纪古杯礁体发育较弱。同时其礁体形成规模相对其他后生动物建造,如腕足动物介壳层在时间和规模上均不占优势
Fig.22 Cambrian Archaeocyaths from lower Cambrian of China. Archaeocyath is generally considered among the earliest-reef-building metazoans during onset of the Ecosystem Engineering on Earth. However, the Archaeocyath reefs and their associated organism-inducing buildups are less-developed than those resulted from other animals,for examples, aggregated shell beds of brachiopods, either in earliest occurrences or in geological scales of buildups
表1 地质年代和年代地层单位的划分与生物分类阶元和演化的关系
Tab.1 Description and definition of the geological time and chronostratigraphy in relation to the the evolution of different ranks of organisms
纸质出版日期: 2021-12-25
收稿日期: 2021-11-22