1.陕西师范大学 地理科学与旅游学院,陕西 西安 710119
2.山西财经大学 文化旅游学院,山西 太原 030003
3.扬州大学 旅游烹饪学院,江苏 扬州 225127
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李洋洋, 张甜, 赵振斌, 等. 基于定性比较分析的旅游地环境冲突影响因素—以五台山景区为例[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2024,54(4):627-638.
LI Yangyang, ZHANG Tian, ZHAO Zhenbin, et al. Influencing factors of environment conflict in tourism destinations based on qualitative comparative analysis—A case study of Mount Wutai Scenic Spot[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2024,54(4):627-638.
李洋洋, 张甜, 赵振斌, 等. 基于定性比较分析的旅游地环境冲突影响因素—以五台山景区为例[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2024,54(4):627-638. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2024-04-006.
LI Yangyang, ZHANG Tian, ZHAO Zhenbin, et al. Influencing factors of environment conflict in tourism destinations based on qualitative comparative analysis—A case study of Mount Wutai Scenic Spot[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2024,54(4):627-638. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2024-04-006.
Environmental conflict is one of the main elements of resident-tourist conflict in tourism destinations
and exploring the influencing factors of environmental conflict is of great theoretical and practical significance for spatial planning and conflict resolution in tourism destinations. Taking Mount Wutai Scenic Spot as an example
this paper compares the subjective dimension of environmental conflict in the two groups of residents and tourists through a combination of grounded theory and qualitative comparative analysis
and analyzes the multiple paths that lead to multiple perceptions of the environmental conflict. The main conclusions are as follows: ① Residents and tourists perceive environmental conflicts in tourist destinations with both commonalities and differences. The commonality is expressed through the disordered management of scenic spots. The difference lies in residents focusing on tourists’ inappropriate behavior
while tourists are concerned about the limited functions of the tourist environment. ② The core conflict conditions represented by holidays
order and facilities show that the dislocation of subjective space possession and experience rights is the core element leading to the perceived environment conflict between the two groups. ③ Anomie of norm is a special factor that leads to the environmental conflict in cultural tourism destinations
and this is evident among both residents and tourists.
environment conflictresident-tourist conflictqualitative comparative analysiscultural tourist destinationMount Wutai
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