1.西北大学 城市与环境学院,陕西 西安 710127
2.陕西省黄河研究院,陕西 西安 710127
[ "宋进喜,博士,二级教授,博士生导师。西北大学城市与环境学院院长,陕西省黄河研究院执行院长,西北大学秦岭研究院常务副院长。入选国家百千万人才工程、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、中国科学院“百人计划”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、陕西省“高层次人才特殊支持计划”科技创新领军人才。陕西省重点科技“旱区流域水文-生态-经济过程与调控创新团队”带头人。主要从事水文学、水资源、水生态及水环境研究。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目等国家和省部级科研课题20余项。发表学术论文180余篇(其中SCI论文120余篇)。研究成果分别荣获陕西省科学技术一等奖(第一完成人)和陕西省自然科学奖一等奖(第一完成人)。《地理学报》、Journal of Environmental Management、《南水北调与水利科技》《中国生态农业学报》《人民黄河》《地域研究与开发》等学术期刊编委。担任陕西省地理学会理事长,中国地理学会水文地理专业委员会副主任、陕西省环境科学学会副理事长、陕西省油气田环境污染控制技术与储层保护重点实验室学术委员会主任等学术职务。" ]
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宋进喜, 高隽清, 李晓鑫, 等. 近20年来黄土高原蒸散发变化规律及其驱动因素[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(6):974-990.
SONG Jinxi, GAO Junqing, LI Xiaoxin, et al. Changes of evapotranspiration and its driving factors in the Loess Plateau in recent 20 years[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(6):974-990.
宋进喜, 高隽清, 李晓鑫, 等. 近20年来黄土高原蒸散发变化规律及其驱动因素[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(6):974-990. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-06-008.
SONG Jinxi, GAO Junqing, LI Xiaoxin, et al. Changes of evapotranspiration and its driving factors in the Loess Plateau in recent 20 years[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(6):974-990. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-06-008.
由于气候变化与人类活动的影响,黄土高原蒸散发(evapotranspiration)及其组分发生了显著变化,进而影响了流域水文过程及其水资源可持续利用。该文基于多元数据融合,采用变化趋势分析和多元回归残差分析等方法,分析了2001—2020年黄土高原蒸散发及其组分的变化特征,以及其对气候变化和人类活动的响应机理。结果表明,2001—2020年黄土高原蒸散发年均增长2.869 4 mm(,R,2,=0.384 6),影响其变化的因子主要有非植被下垫面、饱和水汽压差和降雨,贡献率分别为23.47%、21.31%和12.22%;植被蒸腾呈增长趋势,且占比增加,年均增长3.716 5 mm(,R,2,=0.527 1),影响其变化的因子主要有非植被下垫面、饱和水汽压差和植被,贡献率分别为22.13%、19.43%和15.86%;截留蒸发也呈增长趋势,年均增长0.354 mm(,R,2,=0.694 6),且占比增加,影响其变化的因子主要有非植被下垫面、植被和饱和水汽压差,贡献率分别为22.24%、13.85%和12.47%;土壤蒸发呈下降趋势,年均下降1.405 4 mm(,R,2,=0.741 5),且占比减少,影响其变化的因子主要有非植被下垫面、植被和饱和水汽压差,贡献率分别为28.29%、19.15%和13.66%。整体来看,气候变化仍是影响黄土高原蒸散发变化最主要的因素,其中饱和水汽压差是影响蒸散发及其组分最大的气象要素,植被变化和非植被下垫面因子的作用也不可忽视。研究结论可为科学认识黄土高原蒸散发变化机理以及促进水资源可持续利用管理提供理论依据。
Due to the influence of climate change and human activities, evapotranspiration and its components have changed significantly in the Loess Plateau, which has affected the hydrological process and sustainable utilization of water resources in the basin. Based on multivariate data fusion, trend analysis and multiple regression residual analysis are used to analyze the characteristics of evapotranspiration and its components in the Loess Plateau from 2001 to 2020 and their response mechanism to climate change and human activities. The average annual increase of evapotranspiration on the Loess Plateau from 2001 to 2020 was 2.869 4 mm (,R,2,=0.384 6), and the main factors affecting the change were non-vegetation underlying surface, saturated water vapor pressure and rainfall, with the contribution rates of 23.47%, 21.31% and 12.22%, respectively.Vegetation transpiration showed an increasing trend and its proportion increased, with an annual growth rate of 3.716 5 mm/a (,R,2,=0.527 1). The main factors affecting its change were non-vegetation underlying surface, saturated water vapor pressure and vegetation, and the contribution rates were 22.13%, 19.43% and 15.86%. The interception loss also showed a significant increase trend, increasing by 0.354 mm (,R,2,=0.694 6) per year, and its proportion increased. The main factors affecting its change were non-vegetation underlying surface, vegetation and saturated water vapor pressure, and the contribution rates were 22.24%, 13.85% and 12.47%soil evaporation decreased by 1.405 4 mm (,R,2,=0.741 5) year by year, and its proportion decreased. The main factors affecting its change were non-vegetation underlying surface, vegetation and saturated water vapor pressure, and the contribution rates were 28.29%, 19.15% and 13.66%.In conclusion, climate change is still the most important factor affecting evapotranspiration and its components on the Loess Plateau, and saturated water vapor pressure is the biggest meteorological factor, the role of vegetation change and non-vegetation underlying surface factors can not be ignored.This study can provide theoretical basis for scientific understanding of evapotranspiration change mechanism and promoting sustainable utilization and management of water resources on the Loess Plateau.
climate changehuman activitiesevapotranspirationresidual analysisLoess Plateau
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