1.西北大学 地质学系/大陆动力学国家重点实验室,陕西省早期生命与环境重点实验室,西安市古生物信息学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069
2.西北大学 信息科学与技术学院/西安市古生物信息学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069
3.西北大学 生命科学学院/西安市古生物信息学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069
4.西北大学 数学学院/西安市古生物信息学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069
5.西北大学 艺术学院/西安市古生物信息学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710069
[ "刘建妮,西北大学地质学系教授,博士生导师,洪堡学者,国家重点研发计划首席科学家。中组部万人计划“中青年科技领军人才”,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授。获得“中国青年女科学家奖”“全国三八红旗手”等荣誉称号。", "主要从事早期生命起源及其与环境的协同演化研究,系列发现和研究在国内外尚属首次,在相关领域具有引领作用。先后主持科技部“973计划”首批青年科学家专题项目、国家自然科学基金“重点基金”项目等多项课题。发表论文83篇(其中SCI论文65篇),第一作者和/或通讯作者SCI论文31篇,包括Nature封面论文、Science及PNAS等国际重要期刊。系列研究和发现得到了国际同行的正面引用和评价,多项研究成果被国内外多家科研媒体和机构做亮点报道。荣获多个奖项,如国家自然科学奖二等奖,陕西省科学技术奖一等奖,中国高校十大科技进展,全国科普工作先进工作者等。" ]
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刘建妮, 冯筠, 李忠虎, 等. 多学科交叉新秀:古生物信息学的兴起与发展[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(6):886-899.
LIU Jianni, FENG Jun, LI Zhonghu, et al. A new domain of multidisciplinary research: The rise and development of Paleo-bioinformatic[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(6):886-899.
刘建妮, 冯筠, 李忠虎, 等. 多学科交叉新秀:古生物信息学的兴起与发展[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(6):886-899. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-06-002.
LIU Jianni, FENG Jun, LI Zhonghu, et al. A new domain of multidisciplinary research: The rise and development of Paleo-bioinformatic[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(6):886-899. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-06-002.
The research object of paleontology is " dead" fossils. How to display dead fossils to the public in the " living" form has always been one of the difficulties and hotspots in paleontology research. Paleo-bioinformaticsis a new concept which was proposed by Prof. Jianni Liu in 2012. Paleo-bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary cross-fertilization of paleontology, informatics, mathematics, biology and art, which not only strives to scientifically and aesthetically display the evolutionary relationship between fossils or between fossils and living organisms, but also helps to restore and 3D reconstruct of fossils based on their characters. This paper introduces the development history and construction results of the electronic platform for paleontological fossil resources, sorts out the research content of palaeontological pedigree analysis methods, expounds the research results of paleontological fossil images retrieval and three-dimensional reconstruction, and demonstrates the research and development of paleontological information visualization technology and related popular science products. Finally, the development prospect of Paleo-bioinformatics is forecasted, which will be one of the core fields of natural science in the 21st century.
paleo-bioinformaticspalaeontological fossil resources platformpalaeontological pedigree analysisfossil image retrievalthree-dimensional reconstruction of fossils
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