1.南京大学 建筑与城市规划学院,江苏 南京 210023
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冯建喜, 沈心彤. 基于脑电波的城市环境对居民情绪状态影响[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(5):726-738.
FENG Jianxi, SHEN Xintong. The impact of different urban environments on psychological activity based on EEG[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(5):726-738.
冯建喜, 沈心彤. 基于脑电波的城市环境对居民情绪状态影响[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2023,53(5):726-738. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-05-005.
FENG Jianxi, SHEN Xintong. The impact of different urban environments on psychological activity based on EEG[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,53(5):726-738. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2023-05-005.
已有关于城市环境对居民情绪及心理健康影响的研究多基于主观评价,较少研究采用客观的生理数据来反应环境对个体的即时影响,缺乏科学的实验设计与因果推断方法,削弱了其在政策制定中的指导价值。作为一项试验性质的研究,该研究使用Emotiv EPOC+设备测度不同城市环境(城市繁忙区、城市静谧区和城市绿地区)对个体脑电生理数据的影响,分析城市环境对居民情绪的作用效应,揭示环境作用于个体的机制黑箱。研究结果显示,绿地环境有助于提高脑电波α波的活动水平和降低β波的活动水平,让个体处于“自下而上”的非随意注意状态,有助于缓减疲劳和恢复注意力;而城市环境则会提高β波的活动水平,让个体处于“自上而下”的定向注意状态,长时间会引起疲劳。研究结果表明基于神经科学实验的研究视角和方法,在理论层面,可规避主观评价的不足,有助于深入剖析城市环境对居民情绪及心理健康的影响过程、机制及效应,实现环境作用于个体的因果效应推断;在实践层面,基于实验得出的科学证据作为政策制定的依据,进行循证决策,有助于推动空间干预决策由依靠主观个体经验向客观证据转变、由统计学路径到实验路径转变。
Existing research on the impact of urban environment on residents’ mental health is mostly based on subjective evaluation, with few studies using objective physiological data to reflect the immediate impact of the environment on individuals. There is a lack of scientific experimental design and causal inference methods, which weakens its guiding value in policy formulation. As an experimental study, this paper attempts to use Emotiv EPOC+ equipment to measure the impact of different urban environments (such as urban busy areas, urban quiet areas and urban green areas) on individual EEG physiological data, analyze the effects of urban environments on residents’ psychological activity, and reveal the black box of the mechanisms by which the environment acts on individuals. This study finds that green spaces can help improve alpha waves, decrease beta waves, and put individuals in a " bottom-up" state of involuntary attention, which helps to alleviate fatigue and restore attention; and the urban environment will improve beta waves and put individuals in a " top-down" state of directed attention, which can cause fatigue for a long time. The research results indicate that the research perspective and methods based on neuroscience experiments can avoid the shortcomings of subjective evaluation at the theoretical level, which helps to deeply analyze the process, mechanism, and effects of urban environment on residents’ mental health, and achieve the inference of causal effects of environmental effects on individuals. At the practical level, decision-making based on scientific evidence can help promote the transition of spatial intervention decision-making from relying on subjective experience to objective evidence, and from a statistical path to an experimental path.
urban environmentpsychological activityEEGneuroscience experimentsevidence-based policy
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